The Restricted field is available to an Administrator user and enables the restriction of the report from other Administrator users. When the Restricted field is checked, the user can choose which Administrators are restricted on the report. If the report being edited is already restricted, the list of Administrators who are restricted on that report will be displayed. Administrators can also un-restrict a restricted report.
Follow Up and Outcome
The Follow Up and Outcome fields allow you to record your investigation and outcome. You can track every issue from the receipt of a report through its resolution to ensure thorough investigations, oversight, and due diligence, as well as create a paper trail.
Add New Follow Up
This field is used to document information about the report as the investigation proceeds. Record the evidence gathered during the investigation or the processes used to investigate the report. The date, time, and username of who added the New Follow Up text will be recorded in the information when saved. After the information in the Add New Follow Up saves, it will appear in the Follow Up field.