Allow Locations to be Associated with Divisions - Administrators can associate Locations with Divisions.
Suppress Report/Dialog in Emails - prevents report and dialog text, from the reporter or Syntrio, from being included within the body of emails sent to the company/reporter by the CMS.
New Incident Report Email Notification - emails Administrators a notification when a new report has been added to the CMS.
Send Month End Summary Report - emails a month-end activity summary report notification to specific users. The report depends on the rule criteria defined on the ‘Manage Month End Summary Report Recipient Rules’ page.
Dialog Copy Administrators - emails administrators whenever dialog is added to an incident report.
Email Status Change to Administrator - emails an Administrator whenever an incident report status changes.
Allow Deletion of Files Uploaded by Company - allows a user to delete files previously uploaded by the company.
Populate Sender Field on Emails - Administrator receives bounce-back email responses for users with invalid email addresses.
Restrict Access to CMS Via IP Address - Administrators can restrict access to the CMS by IP address.
Enforce Lockout On Unsuccessful Login Attempts - Administrators can enable an automatic account lock if a user unsuccessfully attempts to sign in five consecutive times.
Two-Factor PIN Authentication Required - Administrators can require all users to enter their login credentials (Username and Password) along with a randomly generated PIN to access the CMS.
Require 'Outcome' to Close Report - requires users to enter an outcome to close a report.
'Division' Field Name - text entered here will replace the label 'Division' throughout the CMS. For example, a company may want to use 'Department' in place of 'Division'.
Automatic Dialog Message - text entered here will be saved in the CMS and sent via email as dialog for the anonymous reporter when a Syntrio report is created in the CMS.
Confidentiality Disclosure on CMS Emails - text entered here will be appended to all emails sent via the CMS.