Suppress Report/Dialog in Emails
This setting allows a company to suppress report and dialog text within the emails sent to the company when the reporter or Syntrio creates dialog on an incident report.
By default, when an Investigator is assigned to a report, the report text is sent within the body of the email, notifying the Investigator that they have been assigned to the report and allowing them to review the contents before signing into the CMS. Additionally, when a reporter or Syntrio creates dialog on an incident report, all of the Investigators assigned to that report will receive an email informing them that dialog has been added by a reporter or Syntrio. These emails will contain the report or dialog text that was entered by the reporter or Syntrio.
If a company decides that they do not want this report or dialog text sent in an email, their Administrator can select the checkbox to change this setting. When this setting is enabled, emails will be generated informing the Investigator of the new dialog, but the dialog text will not appear in the email. The Investigator will need to access the CMS to view the new dialog text. Dialog message email notifications sent to the reporter will also not contain the dialog message, thus the reporter will need to access the reporter portal to view the message.
To enable this setting, check the box labeled "Suppress Report/Dialog in Emails" and then select the Save button. To disregard any changes made on the Edit Settings page, click the Cancel button.