Dialog with a Reporter

Dialog with a Reporter

Syntrio is often contacted by reporters who indicate that they have not received any company feedback. To avoid reporter frustration, we recommend that you provide a response to a reporter soon after receipt of a report. Reporters feel both heard and empowered to continue to speak up about their concerns when their reports are acknowledged. We recommend starting with a short automatic message noting that their report has been received and a statement that their concern is being investigated.

On the Incident Reports page, the ‘Dialog Available with Reporter' column indicates whether or not the reporter has provided Syntrio with their contact information or if the reporter has provided a PIN on their report. To dialog with a reporter or Syntrio, select the 'Manage Dialog’ row icon. If the value of 'Dialog Available with Reporter' is 'No' then you can only communicate with Syntrio regarding this specific report. If Syntrio has the reporter's contact information, Syntrio will share the information with the reporter. Otherwise, the reporter will need to contact Syntrio to retrieve any information provided by the company on a report. 

Administrators and Investigators can anonymously dialog with a reporter. All Administrators and any Investigators assigned to an incident report will be copied on dialog emails unless your company elects to omit Administrators from these emails. Administrators can stop receiving these emails by going to the Edit Settings page and unchecking the 'Dialog Copy Administrators' checkbox. However, if there are no assigned Investigators to a report or the assigned Investigators are read-only users, any reporter dialog emails will be sent to administrators by default. 

Note: Dialog with a Reporter is only available if the reporter created a PIN when submitting their report. Dialog is not available on Internal reports created by an Administrator.

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