Engage: Managed vs. Non-Managed Awareness Setup

Engage: Managed vs. Non-Managed Awareness Setup

Customer Success, Sales

Releasing Awareness Bursts for clients who don’t have individual Engage accounts so they don’t have to log in to view the videos.

If Awareness is ‘Managed’, then each individual has an Engage account to view the Bursts. If Awareness is ‘Non-Managed’, then only one member of the organization has an Engage account to monitor views and compliance, while all other individuals within the organization do not log into Engage to view the Bursts.


1. Click on ‘Accounts’.

2. Find the desired ‘Account Name’ and click the pencil icon on the right side of the row of your selected account.

3. In the ‘Select Product Type’ section, add ‘Awareness’.


4. Find the section stating: Check to enable ‘Awareness Tab’ on Catalog. Click the checkbox next to ‘Awareness’.


5. Find the section stating: Execute Awareness without User Registration on Engage? Your next selection depends on if your user is Managed or Non-Managed:

  • Managed: Check the box ‘Registered Users’.

  • Non-Managed: Do not check the box ‘Registered Users’. Complete the ‘Add/Remove Departments’ section so that compliance by department can be monitored.


6. Fill in the required ‘Primary Contact Details’.

7. Click ‘Submit’.


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