Engage Release Notes 10/14/2022
Here’s our latest Engage updates!
Professional Emails: We updated our back end so that our emails look fresh, professional, and ready to represent our brand. The links in email also take the customer exactly where they need to go – whether it’s logging in or landing on a specific page. Let’s give a thank you marketing for the feedback!
Login Performance: We’ve updated our code to make logging in an improved experience.
New Features
Collections Auto-Scroll: We love it when customers can learn more about our offerings so we’re engaging interest by auto-scrolling (and auto-rotating) through the Collections thumbnails on the Catalog screen. We want to make sure all our great products are visible!
Other Updates
Optional Course Click-Through Capabilities: If you don’t want users to quickly click through a course, you can choose the default of having users “Gated” when assigning courses in My Library.
Default of ‘No’ for Set Policies: When courses are added to My Library, the DV value ‘Set Policies’ is by default set to ‘No’ for all courses.
En-Masse On/Off ‘Add Policy’: For any client, you can choose On/Off ‘Add Policy’ for Mass DV updates.