Engage Release Notes 12/15/2022
New Features
Custom URL for Individual Collections: We’re excited to have URLs for individual collections so that we can market specific collections to clients. We can tell our clients to click a link and then they will be directed to the exact collection we’d like them to view! Please note that clients will need to log in to Engage after clicking the link to a collection. For the moment, Syntrio employees trying out an individual URL will be directed to all collections instead of an individual collection (but this will be fixed next week!) so here’s a look at an example user experience:
Compliance Data Capture: We now capture Department, Role (Manager/Non-manager), and User Location Data for use in compliance reports. This makes it easier for compliance managers to understand reporting data and employee compliance. We’ve also made the Department field non-mandatory, which allows clients to choose if they’d like to use this data for compliance reporting.
Mass Updates for User Demographics: To make it easier for new and existing clients to capture more compliance data, we’ve allowed mass updates of user demographics: Location, User Type (i.e. Individual Contributor/Manager), and Department)
Other Updates
Request a Quote: Request a Quote communication is logged in Salesforce and the UI on the Engage website was updated and corrected.
Industry and Company Size Updates: On December 16 we will update all existing accounts in Engage to reflect Industry and Company size values from Salesforce.
Pendo Industry and Company Size: We’ve fixed some issues with industry and company size not populating so we can better utilize Pendo analytics to drive our business.
Favoriting and Moving Courses: We fixed an issue where moving courses between Favorites folders gave an error.
Collections Auto-Scroll: We made the auto-scroll experience smoother and easier to enjoy.
Add to Library (Multi-lingual): We fixed an issue where Add to Library was not working when selecting a different language for Multi-lingual course.