Sort and Filter Incident Reports
There are a variety of methods to filter records to suit your needs:
This field is used to filter reports based on status. By default, all reports except those with a status of 'Archived' are displayed. Click the Status button to change the filter based on the status.
Case Number Only:
Searching values in the Case Number Only field allows you to filter the view only to see specific cases
Reports by Date Range:
The ‘Date Reported’ search allows you to filter within a specific date range.
Select a date using the pop-up calendar and then click the Search button.
To return to the original default view of the incident report page, click the Reset button next to the Search button.
Link ID:
This field is used to filter reports that contain specific text in the report's Link ID field. Enter text in this field and click the Search button.
Reset button:
Clicking the Reset button will clear all of the current filters applied to the list of incident reports and return all of the filters to the defaults.
Sort Reports by Heading:
The data on the page can also be sorted by column. Most column labels can be clicked on to sort the data in ascending/descending order according to that column.
To return to the original default view of the incident report page, click the Reset button next to the Search button.
Advanced Filters
The advanced filters section allows multiple ways to filter your reports based on these criteria:
Incident Type
Dialog Available
Nature of Report
Submitted by
Display Reports by Page:
You can navigate to any page of incident report data in the Incident Reports tab by using the arrow icons in the bottom left toolbar.
Display Reports by the number of Reports per Page:
The default number of records shown per page is 25. You can change the number of records visible by using the toolbar dropdown. The Record Count field is the total number of incident reports in your CMS for the filter criteria provided.
Exporting Records:
All exports (PDF, Excel, and CSV) will include the records selected using the filters or the checked row checkboxes.