Email Communication
The Case Management System communicates with users via email concerning user accounts or Incident Reports in the following instances:
New account creation welcome email
Account deleted
Password changed
Account unlocked
Dialog Added
When a reporter adds dialog to an incident report, a notification email is sent to all Investigators assigned to that report as well as Administrators, if enabled via user settings
When dialog is added by the company to an incident report for a reporter, a notification email is sent to the reporter (if the reporter provided their email)
Reminder notifications
When intervals have been defined for reminder notifications and a report has remained at a specific status for a period of time, a notification email is sent to all Investigators assigned to the report
Investigator Assigned to/Removed from a Report
Two-factor authentication PIN
Password Expired
Administrators can expire a user's password
Forgot Password
Role/Permission Changes
When certain user information (e.g. role change, permissions, etc.) is altered by an Administrator, a notification email is sent to the user
New Report Added
A setting can be enabled to email Administrators of new reports
Report Status Change
Data Export Report
When a data export report is scheduled with the CMS, an email is sent at the user-determined time (Connects Standard Enterprise service level)
Note: All emails sent by the CMS will have an originator email address ( or Some emails, such as the new user email, will be sent by the Administrator's user name on behalf of If your company is not receiving emails from the CMS, please ensure that the domains and are whitelisted in your company's SPAM/Firewall settings. If your company cannot accept the CMS emails sent on behalf of an Administrator, disable the 'Populate Sender Field on Emails' option on the Settings page.