How do I adjust my session timeout warnings?
Would you prefer a different time interval for the session expiration warning? Adjusting your settings can increase or decrease the number of alerts received in a session. It’s adjustable in a few steps!
1. Navigate to the Settings tab:
2. Select Edit Settings:
3. Select the Securing Settings tab at the top of the screen:
4. Scroll down to the Session Management section:
5. Adjust the Session Timeout Warning (mins) dropdown to increase the set amount of time before a timeout notification appears. For example, the Session Management pictured in Step 4 will alert the user after 5 minutes, stating that the session will expire in 25 minutes. This is because the warning is set to occur after 5 minutes.
If I wanted the warning to occur when 5 minutes remain in the session, I could edit the alert to occur after 25 minutes instead: