Settings Tab
Administrators can view and change the CMS settings for their company within the Settings tab.
Use the edit feature to change your company's CMS settings.
Editing Company Settings
To edit company settings, click the Settings tab, then:
Select the Edit Record icon and then the Edit Settings page shown below will be displayed.
Change the company settings as needed.
Click Save to close and save the settings.
Click Cancel to exit without saving information on the page.
Configurable Settings
The following settings can be changed on the Edit Settings page:
Allow Locations to be Associated with Divisions - Administrators can associate Locations with Divisions.
Suppress Report/Dialog in Emails - prevents report and dialog text, from the reporter or Syntrio, from being included within the body of emails sent to the company/reporter by the CMS.
New Incident Report Email Notification - emails Administrators a notification when a new report has been added to the CMS.
Send Month End Summary Report - emails a month-end activity summary report notification to specific users. The report depends on the rule criteria defined on the ‘Manage Month End Summary Report Recipient Rules’ page.
Dialog Copy Administrators - emails administrators whenever dialog is added to an incident report.
Email Status Change to Administrator - emails an Administrator whenever an incident report status changes.
Allow Deletion of Files Uploaded by Company - allows a user to delete files previously uploaded by the company.
Restrict Access to CMS Via IP Address - Administrators can restrict access to the CMS by IP address.
Enforce Lockout On Unsuccessful Login Attempts - Administrators can enable an automatic account lock if a user unsuccessfully attempts to sign in five consecutive times.
Two-Factor PIN Authentication Required - Administrators can require all users to enter their login credentials (Username and Password) along with a randomly generated PIN to access the CMS.
Require 'Outcome' to Close Report - requires users to enter an outcome to close a report.
'Division' Field Name - text entered here will replace the label 'Division' throughout the CMS. For example, a company may want to use 'Department' in place of 'Division'.
Automatic Dialog Message - text entered here will be saved in the CMS and sent via email as dialog for the anonymous reporter when a Syntrio report is created in the CMS.
Confidentiality Disclosure on CMS Emails - text entered here will be appended to all emails sent via the CMS.
The settings 'Allow Lighthouse Reports to be Deleted' and 'Allow Internal Reports to be Deleted' are controlled by Syntrio. If you would like to change these settings, please contact Syntio Customer Success. More information on settings and default settings can be found here.
There are additional pages that allow an Administrator to manage other features. Click on the specific setting below to get more details:
Manage Closed Report Notifications (if enabled)